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Giuseppe II

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP
100 ml

Availability: In stock

The Old Traditional Balsamic Vinegar “Giuseppe II” is the “Extravecchio” Vinegar which strictly abides to the teachings of the family founder “Giuseppe I” who settled down at Rubbiara in 1862.

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It bears the name of my family’s tradition: that of the first Pedroni family member who moved to a remote strip of land in the Po Valley, shrouded in the autumn fog and burnt by the summer sun, natural elements which help building in time, together with man’s work, its basic but not trivial flavor. Sharp in composing the voices of Balsamic Vinegar (sweet against sour), it’s the fruit of my ancestors’ experiences who refined our recipe learning from the mistakes of their previous generations.
This product has an all-round usage in the kitchen, as it makes any dish special, from a plain butter rice dish, to a tray of assorted cured meats, from a plate of king prawns to a salmon carpaccio, all this without forgetting its traditional combination with the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, now famous all over the world.
This vinegar is specially recommended to the most demanding gourmets.
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